Monday, October 22, 2012

Plot Hound - Tutorial Videos

We've just put together a few videos that show how to use Plot Hound.

In the videos below, I'll walk you through how to set up cruises on the website, wirelessly download them to your phone or tablet, add tree measurements in Plot Hound, upload the cruise to the website, and view the results.

I'd recommend watching the videos full-screen and at 720p resolution so that you can actually see what's going on!  Click the button in the bottom-right of the video to go full-screen.  Then click the gear button at the bottom to change the video resolution.

Creating a cruise

Downloading cruise and navigating to plots

Adding trees and uploading cruises

Viewing cruise data

Creating a new stand

Monday, October 8, 2012

Plot Hound - Stability and User Interface Improvements

Version 2.21 of Plot Hound is now available on both the App Store (pending Apple's approval) and the Android Market.  This update makes Plot Hound faster and more responsive than ever before.  We also tweaked the interface a bit to make the app simpler and more intuitive - moving some of the commonly-used buttons to the top of the screen.

Comment below to let us know what you think about the new version of Plot Hound!