You asked for a 100% tally plot type, and we listened!
Many of you have asked for this feature for tasks like timber marking or a final pre-harvest cruise, and also for some creative applications such as orchard monitoring and intensive cruising for a specific rare or invasive species.
To usher in this new functionality, we want to give you this tutorial for setting up a 100% cruise:
Select ‘100% tally’ as your plot type.
Manually enter ‘1’ as the number of plots in the cruise.
Then head to the woods!
You won’t have to worry about navigating to the plot center before you start cruising. Because that plot is going to be in the center of your stand, you can just start recording from whatever point in the stand makes sense for you!
Currently, a free cruise report for a 100% tally cruise will summarize the data with a stand table and stand-level statistics. Diameter distribution figures are not available quite yet, but will be in an update coming soon! A Premium Report for a 100% tally cruise will have all the usual summaries except for standard error estimates, because there’s only one plot in the cruise.
Currently, a free cruise report for a 100% tally cruise will summarize the data with a stand table and stand-level statistics. Diameter distribution figures are not available quite yet, but will be in an update coming soon! A Premium Report for a 100% tally cruise will have all the usual summaries except for standard error estimates, because there’s only one plot in the cruise.
If you have any questions, please let us know. We’ll be updating our free reports soon with more available figures, including distribution figures for any plot type. Stay tuned!