We think Plot Hound is the best cruising platform out there, but we also don’t want to exclude anyone who chooses to use other cruising software packages. That’s why we’re excited to announce the integration of T-Cruise data into Canopy. This means that you can use Canopy to manage the full cycle of your inventory projects without changing the way you collect your data!
Canopy can be used to set up your cruise. You can then download the plot location files (shapefiles, kml, or gpx) and load them up on your favorite data recorder and go out and collect your data. Once back in the office you will need to export the T-Cruise data into an Excel format (.xls, or .xlsx) and then log back into Canopy. From the cruise detail page select the ‘Upload Cruise Data’ option. From the next page, select T-Cruise as your upload file type and then select your file to upload. If you have updated GPS plot locations you can upload those as well.
T-Cruise is just the start. We are working on ForestMetrix and Two Dog integration and hope to have that rolled out soon. Check back for updates!