Thursday, February 16, 2017

Stumpage Value and Product Groups for Merch Specs

We're dedicated to the foresters we serve and we're always investing in Plot Hound and Canopy to make them better and more useful tools.  Since we launched our merch specs system in late 2015, we have had many great conversations with foresters across America who use Plot Hound and Canopy as their main cruising platform.  The top two requests we heard were product groups and stumpage pricing.  Starting today, both of those features are live!

The "Product Group" field allows you to assign each of your products to a product group.  If you have a volume subscription, your volumes will now be summarized by both product and product group.  This works great for cases where you want rollups of general product groups like Sawtimber that contain distinct products like Pine Saw and Hardwood Saw.

You can also now assign a stumpage value for each of your products.  If you are signed up for one of our volume reporting service, your reports will include a summary of stumpage value by product and product group.

We've also invested in some performance engineering on the backend, so the merch specs page is faster than ever. Our mission is always to save you time on the computer you can spend more time in the woods and with your clients.

We are always looking for feedback on how we can improve Canopy and Plot Hound.  Feel free to drop us a line at if you have any suggestions or need any help.

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