Friday, October 10, 2014

Advanced Search and Filtering

Hot on the heels of our last update (Improved Cruise Page), we're rolling out another big improvement to the Plot Hound web interface: advanced searching and filtering.  Now it is easier than ever to find the cruises and stands you're looking for.

When you click the "Cruises / Stands" link at the top of your Dashboard page, you'll see a list of your stands.  Click the green "Add Filter" button to start narrowing things down.  You can filter by cruiser, cruise status, start date, finish date, county, tag, and stand name.

As our own collection of stands and cruises has grown into the thousands, we found ourselves needing a way to handle the explosion of data.  Tags and this new filtering feature have made our lives much happier!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Improved Cruise Page

We're rolling out lots of improvements to the Plot Hound website over the next few weeks.  Last week we launched a brand new cruise dashboard so you can keep tabs on your pending cruises.  This week, we're excited to go live with a cruise page.  We've totally redesigned the cruise page to be information rich, yet well-organized and easily digestible.

One of the first things you'll notice is that we've made the stand map much smaller to make room for the cruise info bar and the plot tally that now makes up the bottom half of the page.  You can still explore your stand by clicking the "expand" link to get a full-screen map view.

We've made the links to download your cruise KML, GPX, or shapefile more prominent and added the option to drop all incomplete plots - useful for when you decide to only measure a subset of your original plots.

The biggest change is the plot tally now displayed at the bottom of the page.  You can view the status of individual plots and even click the "details" link to see the trees that were measured:

When your cruise is complete, all of your graphs and reports are prominently displayed and available for download.  Clicking on a graph expands it and opens up a carousel that you can click through to see all of your graphs up close.

The new cruise page has changed the way we manage our own cruises and hope you find it useful as well!