Friday, March 11, 2016

Migrate to new version of Plot Hound

We launched a brand new and improved version of Plot Hound back in October.  We will be officially removing support for the old version of Plot Hound (now called "Plot Hound OLD" in the app stores) on March 31, 2016.

If you haven't already, it's easy to upgrade to the new version:

  • First, make sure you upload any unsynced data from the old version.
  • Then, just download the new app from the App Store or Google Play.

Plot Hound is always getting better - stay tuned for more improvements soon!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

New report features!

Hello, Plot Hound users! We recently rolled out some improvements to our free and basic reports. This is a quick update to highlight those improvements for you, so you know what to look for!

All reports (for both our free and ‘basic’ subscriptions) now include an improved stand table. Previously, our free reports included a downloadable table of trees per acre by species and diameter class.  We’ve added to that file to include a second table showing basal area per acre by species and diameter class. Any reports generated now include both tables, in one file.

We’ve also added a new stock table for subscription users, something many of you have asked for.  We heard you! Downloadable tables showing volume per acre by product, species, and diameter are now produced with every basic report, in addition to the other summaries that are created for each cruise.

Here’s an example of the new stock table:

Screen Shot 2016-03-03 at 6.02.50 PM.png

We’ll be rolling out additional improvements to both our free and basic reports throughout 2016. Are there other reports, summaries, or tweaks you’d find useful? Let us know in the comments below - we’d love to hear from you!