Thursday, March 23, 2017

SilviaTerra founder speaks at Center for Business and the Environment at Yale 10 year anniversary @ Google SF

SilviaTerra founder Zack Parisa spoke yesterday at the Center for the Business and the Environment at Yale 10 year anniversary event hosted at the Google San Francisco office.  Other speakers included Dr. Indy Burke, the Dean of the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies and Stuart DeCew, the Director of CBEY.

Zack spoke about how SilviaTerra originated from his Yale M.F.S. thesis work on helping rural Armenian villages manage their forests better.  Without accurate and recent forest inventory information, any management planning was useless.  In response, Zack developed what became the core SilviaTerra satellite imagery analysis technology so that he and his small team of local foresters could develop a forest inventory data layer across much of the country.

The focus on enabling better management decisions has been at the heart of SilviaTerra since the very beginning.  From our original work enabling villagers in Armenia to manage their firewood supply to helping many of the largest American environmental and industrial landowners achieve their conservation and production goals, SilviaTerra has always been driven by the idea that better data can enable better decisions.  Zack described how richer information about our forests is enabling the valuation and management of new, non-fiber ecosystem services and the role that information-providers like SilviaTerra play in building a future where our forests are managed efficiently, accurately, and equitably.

If that sounds like a future you'd like to help build - we're hiring!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

SilviaTerra Spring Conference Schedule

Great meeting lots of current and future 
Plot Hound users at NESAF 2017

Greetings from the New England Society of American Foresters meeting in Bangor, Maine!  SilviaTerra is on the conference circuit this month - come swing by the booth and say hi:

  • New England SAF - March 8-10
  • Inland Empire SAF - March 27-28
  • Washington SAF - March 29-30
  • Timber Measurements Society (Portland) - April 12-14
  • Oregon SAF - April 26-27
  • Virginia ACF - May 3

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Mike Holkesvik joins SilviaTerra

We're excited to announce the newest member of the SilviaTerra team - Mike Holkesvik!

Hailing from South Dakota, Mike grew up where the deer and the antelope play. He spent his childhood in the great outdoors, whiling away afternoons fishing, hiking, and reading old books.

Mike's interests include fishing, hiking, and... FALCONRY

Mike earned a degree in Computer Science from Yale University, where he met SilviaTerra founders Zack and Max. At the time, Mike was channeling his love of the outdoors into a website that helped people find great hunting guides. After graduating, Mike worked as a software developer for Redfin - a technology-driven real estate brokerage startup in Seattle.

The Yale Alumni Magazine featured Mike's 
"Mongol Rally" team on the cover - epic!

Immediately prior to joining SilviaTerra, Mike drove ten thousand miles from London to Mongolia in the Mongol Rally. His team - the "Bad Latitudes" - was the largest team in event history. After countless flat tires, car breakdowns, and narrowly-avoided international incidents, they successfully made it across to the finish line.

At SilviaTerra, Mike will be working hard to make us faster, better, and stronger.  Keep an eye out for lots of improvements, speedups, and new features.  Welcome aboard Mike!